



  • 29 December 2022
    End-of-year drinking party with Makiura-lab members at Sakaya-sho (near Nakamozu campus).
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  • 15 December 2022
    Naoya Yoshikane and Keisuke Matsui were awarded as “University President Award” from President of Osaka Metropolitan University, Prof. Masahiro Tatsumisago for their contribution to the enhancement of the University’s reputation.
  • 5-8 December 2022
    Naoya Yoshikane gave a poster presentation entitled “Mixed valency in strongly-correlated rare-earth fullerides, RE2.75C60 — a combined structural and spectroscopic study” at The 13th TOYOTA RIKEN International Workshop: Integrated Spectroscopy for Strong Electron Correlation — Theory, Computation and Experiment (ISSEC2022), held at Tokyo University, Hongo Campus, Koshiba Hall.
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  • 11 October 2022
    Airi Tada gave a poster presentation entitled “Design and fabrication of superconducting high-entropy alloys” at the 8th Materials WEEK, The Society of Materials Science, Japan, held in Kyoto, Japan.
  • 28 September 2022
    Naoya Yoshikane was successfully accepted for Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2) from Japan Society for The Promotion of Science (JSPS). He will be supported for next 2 years to work on “Creation of optically active multiferroics by chirality introduction into framework structures”.
  • 26-28 September 2022
    Naoya Yoshikane gave a oral presentation entitled “Mixed-valent rare-earth fullerides, RE2.75C60.” at the 72nd Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (JSCC), held at Kyushu University. His presentation was awarded as “Student Lecture Awards” from JSCC. Also, his presentation was selected as outstanding student presentation to receive “Inorganic Chemistry Frontier Award” from Royal Society of Chemistry for his contribution to the field of solid-state chemistry.
    Mizuki Suzuki, Marina Nishiura, and Akane Matsumoto also gave poster presentations entitled “Novel Crystal Structure through Exploration of the Calcium-C60 Binary Phase Field”, “Structural control of Prussian blue analogues by alkali metal substitution”, and “Ab initio structural investigation of C60/PAH co-adducts – new structures from powder diffraction data”, respectively, at the same meeting.Jump to Gallery
  • 20-23 September 2022
    Airi Tada gave a poster presentation entitled “Valence-electron-count control of superconductivity in high-entropy alloys” at the Year 2022 Autumn Annual Meeting, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, held at Fukuoka Institute of Technology.
  • 2 September 2022
    Professor Ioannis Arvanitidis from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece had stayed for 2 months in our laboratory for collaborative work at SPring-8.
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  • 8-11 August 2022
    Naoya Yoshikane, Marina Nishiura, and Akane Matsumoto gave poster presentations entitled “Mixed valency in (Sm1-xCax)2.75C60”, “Structural control of Prussian blue analogues by alkali metal substitution”, and “Ab initio structural investigation of C60/PAH co-adducts – new structures from powder diffraction data”, respectively, at the 8th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC8), held online.
  • 2-4 August 2022
    Keisuke Matsui gave an oral presentation entitled “Synthesis and structural study of pentavalent fullerides” at the 2022 Summer School of the Young Coordination Chemists’ Association of Japan, held at Tokyo Institute of Technology. His presentation was awarded as “student oral presentation award”.
    Mizuki Suzuki also gave a poster presentation entitled “Exploration of the Calcium-C60 Binary Phase Field” at the same meeting.
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  • 11 July 2022
    Naoya Yoshikane was successfully accepted for JSPS Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers from Japan Society for The Promotion of Science (JSPS). He will be supported for 3-months research activities under supervision of Professor Craig Brown— NIST Fellow and Team Lead: Structure and Dynamics of Materials— in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Maryland, USA.
  • 23 June 2022
    Kosmas Prassides gave an online invited lecture entitled “Searching for the Hebel-Slichter coherence peak across the superconductivity dome of fullerides” at the Superstripes 2022 International Conference held in Frascati, Rome, Italy.
  • 27 May 2022
    Kosmas Prassides gave a seminar entitled “Superconductivity and quantum magnetism in π-electron systems: a personal ongoing voyage into the unexpected” at the Department of Chemistry University of Crete, Greece, held online.
  • 2-14 May 2022
    Naoya Yoshikane and Keisuke Matsui visited the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)” in Grenoble, France for experiments on magnetic materials at high pressure.
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  • 1 April 2022
    Bachelor (B4) students Kyohei Kawamura, Ryuhei Mimura, and Tsutomu Uraji joined our laboratory. Akane Matsumoto, Marina Nishiura, and Mizuki Suzuki continue their research as Masters (M1) students. Keisuke Matsui and Naoya Yoshikane continue their research as Doctoral D1 and D2 students, respectively.
  • 24 March 2022
    Keisuke Matsui (M2 postgraduate student) was presented with the Department of Materials Science award ― Bronze Medal ― for his presentation “Pentavalent C60 – a new family of fullerides with rich structural diversity”.
    Tomoaki Fushimi (M2 postgraduate student) was presented with an award from the Department of Materials Science for his presentation “Spontaneous magnetovolume effects in Prussian blue analogue molecular magnets”.
    Mizuki Suzuki (B4 student) was presented with an award from the Department of Materials Science for his presentation “Exploration of the Calcium-C60 Binary Phase Field”.
    Marina Nishiura (B4 student) was presented with an award from the Department of Materials Science for her presentation “Structural control of Prussian blue analogues by alkali metal substitution”.
  • 24 March 2022
    Today Tomoaki Fushimi (M2 student) from our laboratory successfully completed his Masters’ degree studies. Keisuke Matsui (M2 student) continues his research as a Doctoral student. Three B4 students – Mizuki Suzuki, Marina Nishiura, and Akane Matsumoto also graduated successfully and continue their research as Masters students.
  • 8 March 2022
    Our congratulations go to Keisuke Matsui (D1 doctoral student from April 1, 2022) who was awarded a 3-year Rhizome Fellowship for the duration of his doctoral studies.
  • 21,22 February 2022
    Three B4 students gave their final presentation for Bachelor’s degree ― “Exploration of the Calcium-C60 Binary Phase Field” (Mizuki Suzuki), “Structural control of Prussian blue analogues by alkali metal substitution” (Marina Nishiura) and “ab initio structural investigation of C60/PAH co-adducts – new structures from powder diffraction data” (Akane Matsumoto).
  • 14,15 February 2022
    Two M2 students gave their final presentation for Master’s degree ― “Spontaneous magnetovolume effects in Prussian blue analogue molecular magnets” (Tomoaki Fushimi) and “Pentavalent C60 – a new family of fullerides with rich structural diversity” (Keisuke Matsui).
  • 11 February 2022
    A paper entitled “Pressure effects on the crystal structure of the cubic metallofullerene salt [Li@C60][PF6] to 12 GPa was published in Materials Today Communications.


  • 16-21 December 2021
    Kosmas Prassides gave invited lectures at the symposia on “Electron transfer: from electrochemistry to mixed-valence molecules to photosynthesis (In memory of the late Prof. Noel Hush)” and on “The Expanding Frontiers of Frustrated Magnetic Materials” at PACIFICHEM 2021, The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2021 held online. The titles of his presentations were: “Mixed valency in alkali sesquioxides” and “Quantum magnetism in fully-frustrated all-carbon π-electron systems”, respectively.
    Naoya Yoshikane was selected as a finalist for the Student Research Competition for his lecture entitled “Tuning rare-earth mixed valency by coupling to electronically-active fulleride anion sublattices” at the same conference.
    Tomoaki Fushimi also gave a poster presentation entitled “Spontaneous magnetoelastic effects in Prussian blue analogue molecular magnets” at the same conference.
  • 6-8 December 2021
    Naoya Yoshikane and Keisuke Matsui gave lectures entitled “Tuning of Mixed Valency in Rare-Earth Fullerides at Ambient and Elevated Pressures” at the symposium “Physical Properties of Inorganic Solids Ⅶ” and “Crystal Structure and Electronic Properties of Cation-Ordered Non-Cubic Pentavalent Fullerides” at the symposium “Physical Properties of Inorganic Solids Ⅲ” at the 2021 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting held online.
  • 15 November 2021
    Keisuke Matsui was presented with the OPU President Award for the presentation at the Rare-earth Society of Japan held on May 20th, 2021. Jump to Gallery
  • 20-22 September 2021
    Naoya Yoshikane and Keisuke Matsui gave lectures entitled “Structural and electronic study of rare-earth fullerides by synchrotron XAS and XRD techniques at ambient and elevated pressures” and “Synthesis and structural study of non-cubic cation-ordered ternary fullerides M2AC60“, respectively, at the 2021 Autumn Meeting, Condensed Matter Physics and Other Fields, The Physical Society of Japan held online.
  • 1 September 2021
    Keisuke Matsui gave a lecture entitled “Systematic structural study of cation-ordered pentavalent fullerides” at the 61st Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium held online.
  • 3,4 August 2021
    Naoya Yoshikane was presented with a student oral presentation award for his lecture entitled “Structural and electronic studies of rare-earth fullerides at elevated pressures” at the Summer School 2021, Young Coordination Chemists’ Association of Japan held online.
    Keisuke Matsui also gave a lecture entitled “Crystal structure of cation-ordered ternary fullerides M2AC60” at the same meeting.
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  • 9 July 2021
    Our congratulations go to Airi Tada (M1 student) who was awarded a scholarship by the Unicharm Resonance Foundation . This scholarship is awarded to highly motivated students with excellent academic achievement.
  • 20 May 2021
    Keisuke Matsui was presented with a student presentation award for his lecture entitled “Effect of chemical and physical pressure on rare-earth mixed valency in rare-earth fullerides” at the 37th Conference of the Rare-earth Society of Japan held online.
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  • 16 April 2021
    Naoya Yoshikane gave a lecture entitled “Valence tuning in rare-earth fullerides at ambient and elevated pressures” at the Inorganic Solid State Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society ACS SPRING 2021 Meeting held online.
  • 14 April 2021
    Kosmas Prassides gave an invited lecture entitled “Emergent electronic phenomena in all-carbon π-electron molecular systems” in the series of joint seminars of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP) and the Materials Growth and Measurement Laboratory (MGML), Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, held online.
  • 1 April 2021
    Our congratulations go to Naoya Yoshikane (D1 doctoral student) who was awarded a 3-year OPU Fellowship for the duration of his doctoral studies.
  • 1 April 2021
    Bachelor (B4) students Akane Matsumoto, Marina Nishiura, and Mizuki Suzuki joined our laboratory. Airi Tada continues her research as Masters (M1) student. Naoya Yoshikane continues his research as Doctoral (D1) student.
  • 24 March 2021
    Naoya Yoshikane (M2 postgraduate student) was presented with the Aogaki TECHNOVATION incentive award by Professor Morimoto (Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering). The Aogaki Foundation award recognizes superior research achievements at either the masters or Doctoral level and is given to encourage further high-level work.
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  • 24 March 2021
    Airi Tada (B4 student) was presented with the Shirasagi award by Professor Tatsumisago (OPU President) at the Osaka Prefecture Graduation ceremony. The Shirasagi award is given to the student who achieved the highest academic performance graduating at the top of their class and making outstanding achievements in their area of study.
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  • 24 March 2021
    Naoya Yoshikane (M2 postgraduate student) was presented with the Department of Materials Science award ― Gold Medal ― for his research “Valence tuning in rare-earth fullerides at ambient and elevated pressures”.
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  • 24 March 2021
    Airi Tada (B4 student) was presented with the Department of Materials Science award ― Silver Medal ― for her research “Effect of chemical composition and electron count on superconducting high-entropy alloys”.
    Kazunori Kishi (B4 student) was presented with an award from the Department of Materials Science for his research presentation “C60 fullerene/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon co-crystals as a platform towards new functional materials”.
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  • 24 March 2021
    Today three B4 students from our laboratory graduated successfully – Misa Usami, Kazunori Kishi, and Airi Tada.
    At the same time, Naoya Yoshikane (M2 postgraduate student) successfully completed his Masters’ degree studies.
    Many congratulations to all.
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